May 2019 Newsletter
Welcome to the May edition of the Millards Lawyers newsletter
A newsletter for clients, friends of the practice and special interest groups.
This is a free service and in this edition we have some topical articles written in a helpful, no-nonsense style with plenty of practical suggestions.
We hope you enjoy the articles.

Immunisation and family law
Some have recently begun to question whether to immunise their children, expressing concerns about possible side-effects or risks associated with childhood vaccinations. But what happens if parents are separated and can’t agree?

Property disputes between co-owners
Property disputes between co-owners are common. They can be very complex and often arise during the course of other legal issues such as family law proceedings and business disputes causing financial and emotional anguish.

A franchise explained
If you are thinking about becoming a franchisee, or conversely, thinking that your business model may be suitable to franchise, it is important that you understand the full extent of what is involved.